Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Blog Post #1


Hello everyone! My name is Ashley Norman and I am a senior at Florida State majoring in Psychology and minoring in Education. I am originally from New Jersey and am an only child. I am on the Marching Chiefs here at FSU and this season I am serving as the assistant captain of the majorette line. Being assistant captain as been both time consuming and extremely rewarding. I have loved helping lead and motivate the rest of my team. In my free time, I love listening to music (my favorite artisit is Taylor Swift), going hiking, traveling, and spending time with my friends.

Previously, I have had some experience using technology in an education setting. Over the summer, I organized zoom meetings with the majorettes in order to go over important dates as well as practice remotely. I have also taken "Intro to Education" and gained a lot of experience using zoom, kahoot, quizlet, and canva. I feel comfortable using all kinds of technology, as I practically grew up surrounded by it.

I use various resources for my PNL's. Relating to the majorettes, I utilize our coaches, alumni, social media, and teammates in order to make informed decisions regarding choreography and important decisions. For school, I reach out to teachers, classmates, quizlets, online forums, and textbooks. Having a support system is so important, as the most successful people never work alone. 

Wishing everyone a great amount of luck this semester!

"Welcome to New Jersey" by bobbsled is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ashley! That is so cool that you are in the majorette line, and that you are an only child. I have recently been listing to a whole bunch on Taylor Swift throwback songs. I think it is interesting how you had to have practice over zoom, shows perseverance from the whole team. I think you have an excellent list of PLN's, and I totally agree with your last statement.


Blog Post #10

 I think as an elementary school teacher, I would use data collection surveys in order to survey the parents rather than the students. I cou...