Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Blog Post #10

 I think as an elementary school teacher, I would use data collection surveys in order to survey the parents rather than the students. I could see elementary aged students being confused about the ways in which surveys need to be taken and it would really be easier to poll them in the classroom by having them raise their hand or through another in person method. I could see this technology working well for parents since they are not in the classroom and can't interact with the teacher a lot. I feel this could work well to keep the teacher-parent relationship strong.

I found a lot of topics interesting while reviewing classmates blogs. I particularly liked Savannah's idea of using the surveys to check in with the students to see how they were understanding things. To build off of this idea, you could ask the students to rate to what level they understood the lesson from 1 to 5, and then as a teacher you would not be able to move on to more content unless the average score from the class was higher than a 2.5. I feel like having a numerical benchmark for moving on would be so helpful for a teacher, and the surveys could be the perfect way in which to do that. 

I did not participate in Tech-Flex or earn any digital badges this semester. 

Next, I would like to learn how to use tools that could help teachers lesson plan online. My cousin is a new kindergarten teacher and she was telling me about all the online tools that are available to organize for lessons, gain ideas, and discover new learning tools. While this type of technology would not benefit the students directly, it would benefit teachers and help them stay more organized. This would in turn make for more organized lessons and ease pressure that is put on teachers. 

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Blog Post #8

I have definitely acquired new skills during the web design assignment. Previously, I had never designed my own website and was not very familiar with any type of software that would allow me to do so. I liked the creativity that came with this assignment, as I really got to feel like a teacher. However, I did not love navigating and learning how to use Weebly. I felt like I didn't really get the hang of it until the very end once I had almost finished my assignment. I repeatedly got frustrated with it, and feel as though my assignment came out mediocre at best. If I were to start from scratch now, I would come out with a better product. Luckily, learning is all about growth so now I know I am capable of making an adequate website if I needed to! Link to my website: 

Working with Diigo was an interesting experience. At first glance, everything appears to be very cluttered but then once you understand how it works it makes much more sense. This application definitely would have good use in a lot of settings. In the age of technology, it simply is not practical to print out pages and pages of long articles. That is wasteful for the environment and not seen as efficient anymore. I like the idea of being able to share articles with peers and coworkers online through Diigo. Not only can you share articles, but you can also annotate them and make comments and I think that is such a useful tool. This could be extremely beneficial in a high school classroom especially when writing papers that require references. As a teacher, you could have the students find resources for the paper and share them with the entire class through Diigo. 

Technology is changing at such a rapid pace, which is something that is heavily discussed in our society. However, something that is less discussed is the impact this has on teachers. Teachers not only need to stay up to date with what kind of technology their students are using outside the classroom to keep them safe, but they also need to stay up to date with educational technology for professional development purposes. A lot of the new educational technology is usually confusing to learn at first (similar to any type of technology really.) Teachers already have so much on their plate, so learning about new technology can be time consuming and frustrated, but it is so crucial for their students learning to stay up to date with these types of educational trends. This site appears to show different and unique ways teachers can use technology in the classroom! 

Friday, October 15, 2021

Blog Post #7

 The idea of a teacher's website is meant for teachers and students to be able to be better connected online to teachers if needed. However, after browsing through the teacher webpages at Lion High School, it is pretty clear that not all teachers use their website. For example, there was one teacher that still had material up from the 2017-2018 school year. Meanwhile, another teacher had an ongoing syllabus up on her main page as well as a link to Canvas where all of their course material can be found. If I were a teacher, I would also want to include an active syllabus so parents could see as well. I think this is important in high school for a parent to have access to what their child will be learning on how days in schools. If I were a teacher, I would definitely try to include that in my teacher webpage.

As a teacher, I would envision using technology in an efficient and effective manner. Something I know I would want to utilize would be remind messages going to the student, and depending on the age of the students, the parents as well. I feel in such a digital age where everyone seems to be busy, getting a reminder text on your cell phone would be an extremely easy and fast mode of communication. Not everyone has time to constantly be checking their email, so a text message could be utilized for fast reminders. 

My first experience using Wiki (PB Works) was quite confusing. I am not sure if I would want to utilize that kind of website in the classroom, but I might use something like that for a more fun activity. Since each student can create their own website, I think it would be fun for younger age students to share "stories" on their webpage. For example, on a Monday morning for a writing activity I could have the students write on their webpage what they did this weekend, and then once that activity was over the other students could go on the class page and look for the peers answers and read about what they did. Other than that, I do not think I would use the platform for bigger assignments where different things need to be hyperlinked, commented on, etc. It seems to be too much of a hassle and not very clear. 

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Blog Post #6

 My initial experience using Diigo was honestly not very positive. I really did not like how cluttered the home page seemed and how the different tabs were set up. Especially in the beginning, I found it extremely hard to navigate. However, once I got more comfortable with it, it began to make a little more sense. Some things I did like were how easy it was to post something to our class group. The act of actually making a post was fairly simple and I think that was my favorite part about using the website. 

In the beginning, I did not really like blogging. If I am being honest, I do not enjoy trying to navigate new technology so it took some getting used to. At first, it seemed like a large task to get the blog pulled up, figure out where to post, and then figure out how to upload to Canvas. Now that it is second nature, I really do not mind it and actually slightly enjoy making the blog posts each week. So far during the blogging process, I think I learned how to well condense my thoughts into a few short paragraphs. With a blog, there is a fine line between dragging on and on versus getting right to the point of the question that needs to be answered. In the beginning I think I gave too much extra information, but now I think I have gotten better at keeping the responses on task. 

A Web 2.0 tool I find interesting is Prezi. Prezi is a website that is similar to a PowerPoint but with different shapes and more ways to make it creative. I remember my middle school history teacher using Prezi and all the students loving it and thinking it was so interesting. Looking back on it now, I have no idea how something so simple could keep a class of 12 years old so intrigued while learning about the Cold War. So the idea behind it is fascinating to me, as it really is only adding more distractions to learning but is somehow managing to keep children well engaged. Prezi seems to do this with less predictable functions than PowerPoint, as well as more room for graphics and teacher creativity. 

Friday, October 1, 2021

Blog Post #5

 My first experience using Twitter was when I was a freshman in high school. I remember downloading the app and using it mainly to communicate with friends from school. Specifically, the two girls I sat with on the bus and I would come up with funny tweets on the way home and upload photos of each when we would fall asleep on the way to school with funny captions or drawings on our faces. Now as a senior in college, Twitter has evolved and so have I, so my experience using it is very different. Now, I mainly use it to follow different groups on campus and to retweet and favorite other peoples' posts. I do not use Twitter a lot anymore, but I do interact with people there on occasion and it could be beneficial for my future career if I were to become a school counselor. It could be really fun to have a Twitter account that my students could follow so they could interact with me and get to know me better. Also, I could post mental health tips, important deadlines/reminders, and be a positive mentor and presence online. 

The digital divide is the reality of students having access to different levels of technology both in the classroom and at home. Some students may have access to smartphones and computers in order to assist them in doing homework while others may not even have access to a computer at home. This can heavily affect school performance. A child who does not have a computer is at a disadvantage when it comes to completing assignments with ease, understanding basic tech fundamentals, and cannot easily look up homework help like other students would be able to. The digital divide can occur due to family economic status as well as locational factors. As a teacher, the digital divide would greatly affect my teaching strategies. It is important to remain aware of what students have technology versus those who don't have technology at home. It would not be fair to assign videos to watch at home or essays that need to be submitted through any kind of online platform with students who can't access those resources.

Academic software is so good for students. Two things I would implement and encourage my students to use in the classroom would be Kahoot and Quizlet. Kahoot is so fun to play in the classroom and actually helps students to master concepts. In high school, we did Kahoot games all the time in science and whoever came in the top three got bonus points on the test. The Kahoots got so competitive, and it encouraged students to not wait until the night before to study for the exam because people would want to study before we played the Kahoot game a couple of days prior to the test. I would also encourage students to use Quizlet in order to study. Quizlet is more beneficial than flashcards because they can be accessed anywhere, and there are also interactive quiz games you can play with yourself in order to fully master the content. Both of these programs are free to use. 

Friday, September 24, 2021

Blog Post #4

 The ELA technology standards are responsible for making sure students know how to implement basic computer skills into what they are learning academic wise. It is not benefical if students understand how to use a computer, but aren't familar with how to use it for academic purposes like writing an essay or looking up words in a thesaurus. Within the standards for 6th grade, there is a standard that states students should be familar with publishing original work and then having other students be able to collaborate with the work and share it. I would feel extremely comfortable in my skills set to be able to help students complete this task successfully. Writing blogs like I am doing right now, sharing essays through google drive, and using Microsoft software are all things I practically grew up learning how to do. 

A tool I found helpful when looking in the educator "toolkit" was using a plot diagram in order to properly explain the concept of what a plot is to 6th graders. I feel like visually seeing how a plot works is extremely helpful. From the time students are young children, they have seen so many plots play out in books, TV shows, and movies. Plot is an idea they take for granted because it is always present. So when students learn there is actually a reason for specific plot lines and that there is a "formula" to it, I feel like it is very important to have visual aids. 

It is important to be a good internet searcher as a teacher for many reasons. I feel as though there is a type of stigma that teachers are expected to know everything, but in reality that is an unrealistic expectation. In order to answer questions a teacher may not have the answer to, teachers need to be able to find reliable information quickly in order to provide students with an accurate answer. I think the skill I will use the most moving forward is restricting the results of images that could be flagged for copyright. I had no idea that was a function on any search engine, and that is a feature I will definitely utilize as a future educator. A feature that was not introduced but could have been introduced is Google Scholar. Google Scholar is an easy and fast way to find reliable research articles if someone does have have access to a datebase through an educational institution.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Blog Post #3

 Copyright is an issue primarily centered around the idea that one sole entity owns a piece of work, and that said piece of work needs to be paid for before it can be copied or utilized as one's own. Pretty much anything can be copyrighted from music to educational materials. It is important for teachers to understand the proper rules and guidelines for what is considered copyright and what is considered fair use of materials. Fair use is when teachers use copyrighted resources within reason. An example of fair use would be a college professor photocopying and providing the first chapter of the required textbook during the first week of school to students to read before their own copies have arrived. This would be considered copyright if the professor photocopied the entire book so students did not have to buy it. However, since the professor only photocopied the first chaper it would be considered fair use. As a teacher, I would be extremely careful to create my own original work. When creating from scratch is not possible, I would ensure I was properly following copyright laws/partaking in fair use strategies. 

As a teacher in this day and age, there will be many technology implmentation issues that will need to be combatted. Especially in elementary school settings, it can be difficult for children to focus on their work at hand when they know they could be playing any sort of computer game. To help with decreased productivty when working on computers, I would encourage my students to finish the assignment as soon as possible because if they stay on task and do not linger from their work they would be able to take a "brain break" on the computer and play an appropriate game of their choosing on the computer. I would only do this at the very end of their time being on computers. Otherwise after they started playing games they would never be able to focus on another computer assigment. Another issue I would have to deal with would be academic dishonesty. This would be an issue that would apply more to high schoolers and college students. In order to avoide this, I would have all students submit papers through "" It is so important for students to understand the seriousness of plagarism, and this would make them understand that teachers and faculty are always on the lookout for copyright issues and take it very seriously. 

Blog Post #10

 I think as an elementary school teacher, I would use data collection surveys in order to survey the parents rather than the students. I cou...